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Wright, Letitia, 1993-

LC control no.no2018064908
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWright, Letitia, 1993-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Wright, Letitia Michelle, 1993-
Associated placeLondon (England)
Birth date1993-10-31
Place of birthGeorgetown (Guyana)
Field of activityActing
Profession or occupationActors Actresses
Found inBlack Panther, 2018: container (Letitia Wright)
IMDb, viewed May 14, 2018: Letitia Wright (British-Guyanese actress born as Letitia Michelle Wright on October 31, 1993 in Georgetown, Guyana; moved to London, England, when she was seven)
Associated languageeng