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Garrett, Frank, 1962-

LC control no.no2018078494
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGarrett, Frank, 1962-
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See alsoWorks by this author are entered under the name used in the item. For a listing of the other names used by this author, search also under Rehfeld, Frank, 1962-
Rehfeld, Frank, 1962-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1962
Field of activityCreative writing Fantasy fiction Science fiction
Profession or occupationAuthors
Special noteNot same as: Garrett, Frank, no2018078552, pseudonym of American author Schmidt, Dan (Horror fiction writer), no2018078366
Found inAuf den Spuren von Atlantis, 1996: [name not given]
OCLC, viewed June 8, 2018 (AAP: Garrett, Frank ; usage: Frank Garrett)
ISFDb (Internet Speculative Fiction Database), viewed June 8, 2018 (legal name: Rehfeld, Frank; birth place: Viersen, North Rhine-Westphalia, West Germany; birth date: November 14, 1962; language: German; used alternate names: Frank Garrett [Die Rache der Göttin (1996); Hercules in der Unterwelt (1996)], Frank Thys [Das Vermächtnis der Tempelritter (2000)]; fantasy and science fiction writer)
DNB in VIAF, viewed June 8, 2018 (AAP: Rehfeld, Frank, 1962- ; Andere Namen: Thys, Frank (Pseudonym); Garrett, Frank (Pseudonym))
Associated languageger