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Müller, Sigrid, 1964-

LC control no.no2018081890
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMüller, Sigrid, 1964-
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Associated countryGermany Austria
Associated placeVienna (Austria)
Birth date1964
Place of birthSalach (Germany)
AffiliationUniversität Wien
Profession or occupationTheologians Ethicists
Special noteFormerly on undifferentiated name record: n 94019217
Found inMüller, Sigrid. Handeln in einer kontingenten Welt : zu Begriff und Bedeutung der rechten Vernunft (recta ratio) bei Wilhelm von Ockham, 2000: title page (Sigrid Müller)
Universität Wien, Theologische Ethik website, viewed June 18, 2018: link to Team page (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sigrid Müller, Lehrstuhlinhaberin; born 1964 in Salach (Baden-Württemberg); studied Catholic theology and Latin philology in Tübingen; received her doctorate in Tübingen in 1999; joined the faculty in Vienna on September 1, 2007; author of Handeln in einer kontingenten Welt; co-editor of the series Studien der Moraltheologie. Neue Folge)
Associated languageger
Invalid LCCNn 94019217