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Adept (Musical group)

LC control no.no2018096627
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingAdept (Musical group)
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Beginning date2004
Associated countrySweden
LocatedTrosa (Sweden)
Field of activityAlternative rock music Heavy metal music
Found inSleepless, 2016: label (Adept)
OCLC, July 13, 2018 (access pts.: Adept (Musical Group); usage: Adept)
Wikipedia, July 13, 2018 (Adept, metalcore and post-hardcore band formed in Trosa, Sweden; formed in 2004; members, Robert Ljung, vocals; Gustav Lithammer, guitars; Kasper Tronstad; Filip Brandelius, bass guitar; Mikael NoreĢn, drums)
Associated languageeng