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Bridgers, Phoebe, 1994-

LC control no.no2018128083
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBridgers, Phoebe, 1994-
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See alsoCorporate body: Better Oblivion Community Center (Musical group)
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Corporate body: boygenius (Musical group)
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Birth date1994-08-17
Place of birthLos Angeles (Calif.)
Field of activityPopular music
Profession or occupationMusicians
Found in13 reasons why. Season 2, 2018: label (Phoebe Bridgers)
Wikipedia, via WWW, 20 September 2018: (Phoebe Bridgers (born August 17, 1994) is an American musician from Los Angeles, California. Indie folk, folk rock, alternative rock, indie pop; vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar.)
Associated languageeng