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Wendels, Marlise, 1923-2012

LC control no.no2018128397
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWendels, Marlise, 1923-2012
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Wendel, Marlies, 1923-2012
Wendels, Marliese, 1923-2012
Wendels, Marianne, 1923-2012
Birth date1923
Death date2012
Field of activityMusic--Performance
Profession or occupationSopranos (Singers)
Found inJanáček, Leoš. Jenufa, ℗2012: disc label (Marlies Wendel)
VIAF, September 24, 2018 (Heading in Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: Wendels, Marlise, 1923-2012; variant Wendels, Marianne, 1923-2012; soprano)
Kutsch, K.J. Grosses Sängerlexikon, 2003 (Marlise Wendels, soprano)
Christoph von Dohnanyi WWW site, September 24, 2018: Archive, Oper Frankfurt, September 29, 1969 (Marliese Wendels, soprano)