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Lentz, Michel, 1820-1893

LC control no.no2018142106
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLentz, Michel, 1820-1893
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1820-05-21
Death date1893-09-08
Place of birthLuxembourg (Luxembourg)
Place of deathLuxembourg (Luxembourg)
Field of activityLiterature
Profession or occupationPoets
Found inMenager, Laurent. Klavierlieder, 2018: page 26 (Am Gäertchen / text by Michel Lentz)
Wikipedia, October 19, 2018 (Michel Lentz, born May 21, 1820 in Luxembourg (Town); died September 8, 1893 in Luxembour (Town); government official, author and poet; author of the text for the Luxembourg national anthem)