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Button, Thomas, -1634

LC control no.no2018147212
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingButton, Thomas, -1634
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Associated countryWales Ireland
Associated placeHudson Bay Manitoba
Death date163404
Field of activityDiscoveries in geography Navies
AffiliationEngland and Wales. Royal Navy
North West Passage Company
Profession or occupationExplorers Navies -- Officers
Found inThe north part of America conteyning Newfoundland, New England, Virginia, Florida, New Spaine, and Noua Francia w[i]th ye riche isles of Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, and Porto Ricco, on the south, and upon ye west the large and goodly land of California ... [1625] : text of map (In Porte Nelson did Sr Thomas Button winter in 57 deg:)
Howgego, R. J. Encyclopedia of exploration to 1800, 2003 (Button, Thomas, approximately 1574-1634; Welsh naval officer and explorer of the western and northern coasts of Hudson Bay; he was appointed by the North West Passage Company to lead a highly secretive expedition in search of a westerly sea route to Asia from 1612-1613; from 1614-1634, he served as the admiral responsible for the Irish coasts and was knighted in 1616; in 1620 he served in the naval actions against Algiers)
English Wikipedia, viewed October 29, 2018 (Thomas Button, born in approximately 1575 and died April 1634; he was a Welsh officer of the Royal Navy, notable as an explorer who in 1612-1613 commanded an expedition that unsuccessfully attempted to locate explorer Henry Hudson and to navigate the Northwest Passage; Button and his men were some of the first recorded Europeans to explore the area now known as Manitoba and his discovery meant that others followed after him, using his landmarks, his stories, and his detailed notes; the first maps of areas near Hudson Bay were struck from his explorations and from those of his predecessor, Henry Hudson)