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Quaas, Tom, 1965-

LC control no.no2018169032
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingQuaas, Tom, 1965-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1965-07-05
Place of birthDresden (Germany)
Field of activityMotion picture acting Acting
Profession or occupationMotion picture actors and actresses Actors
Found inHeimat. 3, Chronik einer Zeitenwende, 2006: opening credits (Tom Quaas; actor)
IMDb, Oct. 11, 2018: (Tom Quaas; actor; born July 5, 1965 in Dresden, Germany; known for Im Namen des Gesetzes, Heimat 3: A Chronicle of Endings and Beginnings and Tatort)
Associated languageger