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Eaton, Ashton, 1988-

LC control no.no2018174058
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingEaton, Ashton, 1988-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryUnited States
Associated placeEugene (Or.)
LocatedSan Francisco (Calif.)
Birth date1988-01-21
Field of activityTrack and field
Profession or occupationTrack and field athletes
Found inThe wizard of Foz, 2018: title page (foreword by Ashton Eaton) jacket flap (2012 and 2016 decathlon Olympic gold medalist and current world record holder; resides in San Francisco, California)
Wikipedia, via WWW, December 17, 2018 (Ashton Eaton; Ashton James Eaton; born January 21, 1988; American decathlete; competed for the Oregon Track Club Elite in Eugene, Oregon; in college he was a five-time NCAA champion for the University of Oregon; won gold medals at the Olympics in 2012 in London and 2016 in Rio; also competed and set world records in the heptathlon; retired on January 3, 2017)
Associated languageeng