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Wilton, Maureen, 1953-

LC control no.no2019033238
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWilton, Maureen, 1953-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Wilton, Moe, 1953-
Birth date1953-11-30
Field of activityRunning
Profession or occupationLong-distance runners Runners (Sports)
Found inMighty Moe, 2019: eCIP subtitle (the untold story of a thirteen-year-old running revolutionary) summary (The untold true story of runner Maureen Wilton, whose world record-breaking marathon time at age thirteen was met first with misogyny and controversy, but ultimately with triumph)
Wikipedia page for Maureen Wilton, viewed 05 March 2019: (Maureen "Moe" Wilton (born November 30, 1953) is a former Canadian long-distance runner who is well recognized by the International Association of Athletics Federations as having set a world best in the marathon on May 6, 1967...started running when she was nine years old)