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Bräunsdorf (Limbach-Oberfrohna, Germany)

LC control no.no2019035563
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingBräunsdorf (Limbach-Oberfrohna, Germany)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Limbach-Oberfrohna (Germany). Bräunsdorf
Special noteSUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision.
Found inMüller, Sebastian. Dorfgesellschaft im Wandel, 2018: table of contents (Bräunsdorf)
German-language Wikipedia, viewed March 7, 2019: under Limbach-Oberfrohna (Bräunsdorf incorporated into Limbach-Oberfrohna on November 1, 1998)
GEOnet, viewed March 7, 2019 (Bräunsdorf [approved]; PPL in Saxony, 50°52ʹ18ʺN, 012°42ʹ31ʺE ; also 3 other PPLs of the same name in Saxony)
E-mail from National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, March 1, 2019 ("Our research concludes that Bräunsdorf and Russdorf are, indeed, PPLXs, the former having been incorporated into Limbach-Oberfrohna in 1998 and the latter in 1950. The U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) designation of the two features in question as PPLs is still correct and can be supported readily by authoritative imagery and mapping.")