LC control no. | no2019040249 |
Geographic heading | Stiles (N.D.) |
Geographic subdivision usage | North Dakota--Stiles |
Variant(s) | Seymour (N.D.) |
Associated country | United States |
Located | North Dakota |
Found in | GeoNames, viewed 18 March 2019: (Stiles; populated place in Richland County, North Dakota; lat.: 460431N; long.: 0970309W; variant name: Seymour) <,P3_TITLE:1033799,Stiles> Wikimapia, viewed 18 March 2019: (Stiles, North Dakota; was a junction of lines of the Great Northern Railroad and Soo Line Railroad in Section 14-130-51, Moran Township between Hankinson and Lidgerwood; population of 35 was reported in 1890, and a count of 32 was made in 1930, but the site declined after World War II and disappeared from most maps during the 1960's; the SEYMOUR post office operated at this site 1888-1902) <> |
Geographic area code | n-us-nd |