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Lacroix, Jean-Pierre, 1960-

LC control no.no2019044091
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLacroix, Jean-Pierre, 1960-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryFrance
Associated placeUnited States Czech Republic Sweden
Birth date1960-05-02
Field of activityPeacekeeping forces International relations Diplomacy France--Foreign relations
AffiliationUnited Nations. Department of Peace-keeping Operations
United Nations
France. Ministère des affaires étrangères
Profession or occupationDiplomats Ambassadors
Found inVers une africanisation des opérations de maintien de la paix, 2019: page 61 (Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Ambassadeur, Secrétaire général adjoint de l'ONU aux opérations de maintien de la paix; former student of ESSEC, Sciences po (Paris) and the ENA; ambassador, ministère français des Affaires étrangères, since 2011; technical advisor to the office of the Premier ministre, he served in Washington, Prague and Stockholm; was sub-director of political affairs, Quai d'Orsay, and adjunct representative of France at the United Nations in New York; contribution: La réforme de l'ONU, orientations et place de l'Afrique dans cette réflexion)
United Nations Peacekeeping (website), Leadership, viewed March 22, 2019 (Jean-Pierre Lacroix; Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations; over 25 years of political and diplomatic experience, with a focus on multilateral organizations, and on United Nations activities and programs; born 2 May 1960)
Associated languagefre