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Johns, Daniel, 1979-

LC control no.no2019045700
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingJohns, Daniel, 1979-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Dreams, Dr., 1979-
Dr. Dreams, 1979-
Associated countryAustralia
Birth date1979-04-22
Place of birthNewcastle (N.S.W.)
Field of activityMusic
AffiliationSilverchair (Musical group)
DREAMS (Rock group)
Profession or occupationGuitarists Rock musicians
Found inApter, Jeff. The book of Daniel, 2018: back cover, etc. (Daniel Johns; Daniel Paul Johns; born April 22, 1979, Newcastle, New South Wales; guitarist of the Australian rock band Silverchair; now performing with Jeff Steele in DREAMS)
DREAMS WWW site, March 27, 2019 (Daniel Johns; aka Dr. Dreams)