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Hitzenberger, Regina, 1957-

LC control no.no2019058509
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHitzenberger, Regina, 1957-
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Associated countryAustria
Associated placeVienna (Austria)
Birth date1957-02-18
Place of birthGmunden (Austria)
Field of activityAerosols Physics
AffiliationUniversität Wien
Profession or occupationPhysicists College teachers
Found inReport of the Experts Meeting on Space Observations of Tropospheric Aerosols and Complementary Measurements, October 1990: title page (Regina Hitzenberger)
University of Vienna website, viewed April 18, 2019 (Regina Hitzenberger, Univ.-Prof. Dr. , 1957, born in Gmunden, Oberösterreich; Discipline: Physics; 1997-2011: Associate professor, University of Vienna; Since 1 January 2012: Professor of Aerosol and Cluster Physics, University of Vienna; curriculum vitae link shows date of birth as 18 February 1957 (Gmunden) and nationality Austrian)
OCLC, April 18, 2019 (usage: Regina Hitzenberger; publications are in English and German)
Associated languageeng ger