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Schmolka, Marie, 1890-1940

LC control no.no2019060058
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSchmolka, Marie, 1890-1940
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Birth date1890
Death date194003
Place of birthPrague (Czech Republic)
Place of deathLondon (England)
Field of activityWorld War, 1939-1945--Refugees--Czechoslovakia
Found inIn memoriam Marie Schmolka, 1944?: title page (Marie Schmolka)
Encyclopedia Judaica, 2007: volume 18, page 146 (Marie Schmolka, 1890-1940; née Eisner; born Prague; leader in WIZO; a director of HICEM; advocate on behalf of Jewish refugees in Czechoslovakia; died March 1940 in London)