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Hammarsten, Gustaf, 1967-

LC control no.no2019082441
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHammarsten, Gustaf, 1967-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1967-09-02
Place of birthStockholm (Sweden)
Field of activityMotion pictures Television Theater
AffiliationTeaterhoĢˆgskolan i Stockholm
Profession or occupationActors
Found inAgent Hamilton, 2017: title frame of Hamilton : i nationens intresse (Gustaf Hammarsten, cast)
IMDb, May 31, 2019 (Gustaf Hammarsten, actor; born September 2, 1967, in Stockholm, Sweden; active in film and television since early 1990s; name sometimes spelled Gustav Hammarsten)
Swdish Wikipedia, via WWW, viewed through Google translate,May 31, 2019 (Gustaf Hammarsten, Swedish actor; fuller form of name, Carl Gustaf Hammarsten; graduated from the School of Theater in Stockholm in 1995)
Associated languageswe