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Cybulski, Napoleon, 1854-1919

LC control no.no2019091884
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCybulski, Napoleon, 1854-1919
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Associated countryPoland
Birth date1854-09-13
Death date1919-04-26
Place of birthKrzywonosy (Russia)
Field of activityElectroencephalography Endocrinology
AffiliationUniwersytet Jagielloński
Profession or occupationPhysiologists
Found inRecepta na adrenalinę, 2019: title page (Napoleon Cybulski) page 19 (born September 13, 1854, in Krzywonosy (in present-day Belarus)) page 174 (died April 26, 1919) cover page 4 (physiologist; conducted pioneering research in endocrinology, electroencephalography; discoverer of adrenaline; worked at Jagiellonian University)
Associated languagepol