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Zaisser, Else

LC control no.no2020122158
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingZaisser, Else
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Variant(s)Zaisser, Elisabeth
Other standard no.306227602
LocatedSoviet Union Berlin (Germany : East)
Birth date1898
Death date1987
AffiliationGermany (East). Ministerium für Volksbildung Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag
Profession or occupationTeachers Translators Politicians
Found inW.I. Lenin, Biographie, 1984: (aus dem Russischen übersetzt von Else Zaisser)
Wikipedia Elisabeth Zaisser, accessed August 19, 2020: (Born 1898, teacher, translator, 1934-1946 German language teacher in the Soviet Union, 1950-1953 Minister for Education in East Berlin; after her husband's forced demission as Secretary for State Security in 1953 editor at Volk und Wissen Verlag and freelance translator, died 1987)
VIAF, accessed August 19, 2020: access points (Zaisser, Else; Zaisser, Elisabeth)
Associated languageger rus