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Campbell, Marcus, 1951-

LC control no.no2021021978
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCampbell, Marcus, 1951-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
LocatedNapier (N.Z.) Scotland France
Birth date1951-08-24
Place of birthTaihape (N.Z.)
Field of activityLiterature Art
Profession or occupationSculptors
Authors Painters
Found inCrossways, 2019: title page (Marcus Campbell)
Wikidata, via VIAF, Feb. 23, 2021 (born: 1951-08-24; preferred: Marcus Campbell; variant: Marcus Campbell; Marcus Campbell (artist) Aryan Sharma Damoh; Marcus Campbell kunstenaar; Marcus Campbell neuseeländischer Autor, Maler und bildender Künstler; gender: 1)
Wikipedia, viewed Feb. 23, 2021 (Marcus Campbell; born Aug. 24, 1951 in Taihape, New Zealand; a writer, painter and sculptor; grew up in Napier; spent five years in Scotland, then moved to France where he still lives)
Associated languageeng