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Herse, Henrik, 1895-1953

LC control no.no2021057556
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHerse, Henrik, 1895-1953
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Variant(s)Hahn, Friedrich, 1895-1953
See alsoHerse, Annemarie
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Herse, Elfriede
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Other standard no.0000000066801135
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1895-10-12
Death date1953-03-16
Place of birthDessau (Dessau, Germany)
Place of deathMalente (Germany)
Profession or occupationAuthors War correspondents Nazis
Found inDie Schlacht der weissen Schiffe, ©1942: title page (Henrik Herse)
Wikidata, May 12, 2021 (alias: Henrik Herse; sex or gender: male; place of birth: Dessau; place of death: Malente; country of citizenship: Germany; instance of: human; member of political party: National Socialist German Workers' Party; date of birth: +1895-10-12T00:00:00Z; date of death: +1953-03-16T00:00:00Z; occupation: author, writer; given name: Henrik; member of: Schutzstaffel; languages spoken or published: German; description/label: deutscher Dramaturg, Duits auteur , German author, údar Gearmánach; Deutsche Biographie ID: 124360947; GND identifier: 124360947; Google Knowledge Graph ID: /g/122dy4qg; NKC identifier: mub2018987013; NLI (Israel: identifier) 000228461; NTA identifier (Netherlands: ) 071707220; NUKAT authorities: n2012045559; SUDOC authorities: 130931764; WorldCat Identities ID: viaf-8319303)
Herse, Henrik. Fünf Wiegen und noch eine, 1943: title page (Henrik Herse und seinen kindern, Annemarie und Elfriede)
DNB database, June 20, 2024 (access point: Herse, Henrik 1895-1953; German writer; SS-Obersturmführer; usage: Henrik Herse; daughter, Herse, Annemarie; daughter, Herse, Elfriede)
Associated languageger