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Winkler, T. C., 1822-1897

LC control no.no2023058763
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWinkler, T. C., 1822-1897
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Variant(s)Winkler, Tiberius Cornelis, 1822-1897
Other standard no.283154563
Birth date1822-05-28
Death date1897-07-18
Place of birthLeeuwarden (Netherlands)
Place of deathHaarlem (Netherlands)
Field of activityNatural history
AffiliationTeylers Museum
Profession or occupationBiologists Paleontologists Anatomists Zoologists
Found inWinkler, T. C. Deux nouvelles tortues fossiles, 1869: title page (par T.C. Winkler)
Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen, viewed on May 16th, 2023 (T.C. Winkler; born 1822; died 1897; biologist, paleontologist; variant name: Tiberius Cornelius Winkler)
English Wikipedia, viewed on May 16th, 2023 (Tiberius Cornelis Winkler (May 28, 1822-April 4, 1897 [!]) was a Dutch anatomist, zoologist and natural historian, and the second curator of geology, paleontology and mineralogy at Teylers Museum in Haarlem. Besides translating the first edition of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species (1860), he wrote a great number of works popularising science, particularly the life sciences)
Dutch Wikipedia, viewed on May 16th, 2023 (Tiberius Cornelis Winkler (Leeuwarden, May 28, 1822 - Haarlem, July 18, 1897) was a Dutch anatomist, zoologist and naturalist)
Wiewaswie, viewed on May 16th, 2023 (Tiberius Cornelis Winkler; died Haarlem, July 18th, 1897, aged 75)