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Nebhut, Ernst

LC control no.no2023120881
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingNebhut, Ernst
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Variant(s)Nebhut, Ernst Hermann Johannes
Other standard no.0000000059540408
Birth date1890-06-26
Death date1974-06-04
Place of birthGrünberg (Hesse, Germany)
Profession or occupationLibrettists Authors Screenwriters Lyricists
Found inMeisel, Will. Königin einer Nacht, 1944: title page (Ernst Nebhut)
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, via VIAF, viewed Nov. 1, 2023 (Nebhut, Ernst, 1890-1974; born Grünberg; variant: Nebhut, Ernst Hermann Johannes; screenwriter, songwriter)
Hesse, Germany, Births, 1851-1901, via Ancestry, viewed Nov. 1, 2023 (Ernst Hermann Johannes Nebhut; born June 26, 1890, Grünberg, Hesse, Germany; male; father: Hermann Nebhut, mother: Augusta Hebhut)