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Muestinger, Georg, -1442

LC control no.no2024053959
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMuestinger, Georg, -1442
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Variant(s)Mùˆstinger, Georg, -1442
Associated countryAustria
LocatedKlosterneuburg (Austria)
Death date1442-09-30
Place of birthPetronell (Austria)
Place of deathKlosterneuburg (Austria)
Field of activityMonasticism and religious orders Astronomy Diplomacy
AffiliationStift Klosterneuburg Augustinian Canons
Found in5559 (Stift Klosterneuburg. Bibliothek, Codex Claustroneoburgensis 582) (online via HMML), viewed on May 14, 2024 (Georg Muestinger; sermon; given in the year 1423; Latin)
"Muestinger, Georg (I.), Augustiner," Deutsche Biographie (online), viewed on November 30, 2023 (Provost of Klosterneuburg from 1418 to 1442; diplomat, astronomer; born before 1400 in Petronell; died Sept. 30, 1442 in Klosterneuburg; during his time as provost, the monastery reached cultural/scientific heights; may have been a manufacturer of celestial globes; likely a friend of Johannes von Gmunden; also vicar general of the Archdiocese of Salzburg, in diplomatic service of Albrecht II, whom he represented at the Mainz Reichstag; attended Council of Basel)
Georg Muestinger (died 1442) was provost of Stift Klosterneuburg (1418-1442), an astronomer, and a diplomat. During his time as provost, the monastery reached cultural and scientific heights, manufacturing celestial globes and maps. He was also vicar general of the Archdiocese of Salzburg; he was in a diplomat in service of Albrecht II, whom he represented at the Mainz Reichstag; and he attended the Council of Basel.
Associated languagelat