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Harpocration, Valerius

LC control 88000799
Personal name headingHarpocration, Valerius
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Variant(s)Harpocratio, Valerius
Harpokration, Oualerios
Found inHis Lexicon, 1824: t.p. (...Harpocrationis)
Encyc. Brit., 15th ed. (Harpocration, Valerius, fl. 2nd cent. A.D.?; Greek grammarian of Alexandria)
Oxford classical dict., 1970 (Harpocration, Valerius; date not known)
Lex. der alten Welt, 1965 (Harpokration)
Seyffert, O. Dict. of classical antiq., 1956 (Harpocration, Valerius; Greek scholar of Alexandria, lived probably in 2nd cent. A.D.)
LC class. schedule: PA3998.H14 (Harpocratio, Valerius, 1st or 2nd cent. C.E.?)
His Oualeriou HarpokratioĢ„nos Peri ton lexeon biblion, 1696: t.p. (... Oualeriou HarpokratioĢ„nos)