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Badham, Robert E

LC control 89002293
Personal name headingBadham, Robert E.
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Found inU.S. Cong. House. Comm. on Armed Services. Full committee consideration of resolutions honoring Hon. Samuel S. Stratton of New York and Hon. Robert E. Badham of California ... 1988: t.p. (Robert E. Badham; California)
Washington post WWW site, Oct. 24, 2005 (in obituary published Oct. 23: Robert Edward Badham; b. in Los Angeles; d. Oct. 21, Newport Beach, Calif., aged 76; six-term Republican congressman from Orange County, Calif.)
Congressional biog. dir. WWW site, Oct. 24, 2005 (Badham, Robert Edward; b. June 9, 1929, Los Angeles; d. Oct. 21, 2005, Newport Beach, Calif.; Republican representative from Calif., Jan. 3, 1977-Jan. 3, 1989)