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Chalia, Rosalia, 1864-1948

LC control 89010626
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingChalia, Rosalia, 1864-1948
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Castillo, Rosalia Herrera del, 1864-1948
Chalia, R. (Rosalia), 1864-1948
Herrera, Chalía, 1864-1948
Herrera del Castillo, Rosalia, 1864-1948
Other standard no.0000000081199947
Associated countryCuba
Birth date1864-11-17
Death date1948-11-16
Place of birthHavana (Cuba)
Place of deathHavana (Cuba)
Field of activitySinging
Profession or occupationSopranos (Singers)
Special noteURIs added to 3XX and/or 5XX fields in this record for the PCC URI MARC Pilot. Please do not remove or edit these URIs
Found in20 coloratura sopranos [SR] 196-?: label (R. Chalia; soprano) container (Rosalia Chalia)
Kutsch/Riemens, 1987 (Chalia, Rosalia; b. 11-17-1864, Havana; d. 11-16-48, Havana; alto; original name, Rosalia Herrera del Castillo)
Ecured, viewed Nov. 10, 2020: (Chalía Herrera)