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Beebe, Helen H. (Helen Hulick), 1909-1989

LC control 89012227
Personal name headingBeebe, Helen H. (Helen Hulick), 1909-1989
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Beebe, Helen Hulick, 1909-1989
Found inThe Chewing approach in speech and voice therapy, 1951: t.p. (Helen H. Beebe)
OCLC data base, 8-21-89 (hdg.: Beebe, Helen Hullick)
Helen Hulick Beebe papers, 1927-1998 (Helen Hulick Beebe; b. Helen Hulick, Dec. 27, 1909, Hellertown, Pa.; m. Ken Beebe, 1936-1942; d. Mar. 18, 1989; speech pathologist, Easton, Pa.)