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Flory, Med, 1926-2014

LC control 89012876
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFlory, Med, 1926-2014
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Variant(s)Flory, Meredith, 1926-2014
See alsoFounded corporate body: Supersax (Musical group)
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Birth date1926-08-27
Death date2014-03-12
Place of birthLogansport (Ind.)
Place of deathNorth Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Field of activityJazz
Profession or occupationSaxophonists Jazz musicians Actors
Found in77 Sunset Strip. Paper chase [MP] 1963: credits (cast, Med Flory)
Feather, L. Encyc. of jazz in the seventies, 1976 (Flory, Meredith (Med); b. Aug. 27, 1926; jazz musician, actor, writer)
Los Angeles times (online), viewed Apr. 16, 2015 (in obituary published Mar. 15, 2014: Med Flory; b. Meredith Irwin Flory, Aug. 27, 1926, Logansport, Ind.; d. Wednesday [Mar. 12, 2014], North Hollywood, aged 87; alto saxophonist and founder of the Grammy-winning jazz group Supersax in addition to being an actor who appeared on numerous TV series; also appeared in a few films)
Associated languageeng