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De Haven, Carter, 1886-1977

LC control 89016903
Personal name headingDe Haven, Carter, 1886-1977
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)DeHaven, Carter, 1886-1977
Haven, Carter de, 1886-1977
O'Callaghan, Francis, 1886-1977
Found in30 years of fun [MP] 1962: credits (with Carter De Haven)
Int'l film necrology, 1981 (De Haven, Carter; actor and asst. director; b. Oct. 5, 1886, Ill.; d. July 20, 1977)
Modern times [MP] 1992: credits (assistant director, Carter DeHaven)
Internet movie database WWW site, May 27, 2000 (Carter DeHaven (I); b. Francis O'Callaghan)