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Briggs, George N. (George Nixon), 1796-1861

LC control 89021578
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBriggs, George N. (George Nixon), 1796-1861
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Variant(s)Briggs, Mr. (George Nixon), 1796-1861
See alsoMassachusetts. Governor (1844-1851 : Briggs)
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Birth date1796
Death date1861
Found inHis Speech of George N. Briggs, of Massachusetts, on the president's veto ... 1841
MdU/G-K files (hdg.: Briggs, George Nixon, 1796-1861; usage: George N. Briggs)
Massachusetts. Governor (1844-1851 : Briggs). Appointment of Lemuel Perry ... 1849: p. 1 (Massachusetts; George N. Briggs, our Governor)
His Remarks of Mr. Briggs of Massachusetts, 1839
Bio. dir. of the U.S. Congress, 1989 (Briggs, George Nixon; representative from Mass.; lawyer Lanesboro and Pittsfield, Mass.; governor of Mass. 1844-1851; judge of the Court of Common Pleas; b. 4/12/1796; d. 9/11/1861)