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Venceslas I, Duke of Luxembourg, Brabant, and Limbourg, 1337-1383

LC control 90002360
Personal name headingVenceslas I, Duke of Luxembourg, Brabant, and Limbourg, 1337-1383
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Wenceslaus, Duke of Luxembourg, Brabant, and Limbourg, 1337-1383
Wenceslas, de Bohême, 1337-1383
Václav, Lucemburský, 1337-1383
Václav, Český, 1337-1383
Found inGrand Larosse, 1960: (Venceslas Ier, 1337-1383, duc de Luxembourg, de Brabant et de Limbourg)
BLC (hdg.: Wenceslaus, Duke of Luxembourg and Brabant; usage: Wenceslas de Bohême)
His Netoužím po ráji, 1975: t.p. (Václav Lucemburský) jkt. (Václav Český)