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Malneck, Matty

LC control 90004234
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMalneck, Matty
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Variant(s)Malneck, Matt
Malnick, Matty
Malneck, Matthew Michael
Associated countryUnited States
LocatedDenver (Colo.)
Birth date1903-12-09
Death date1981-02-25
Place of birthNewark (N.J.)
Place of deathHollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Profession or occupationViolinists Composers Arrangers (Musicians) Band directors
Found inSt. Louis blues [MP] 1939: credits (songs by Matty Malneck)
OCLC, 2-28-90 (hdg.: Malneck, Matty; usages: Matty Malneck, Matt Malneck)
Perf. arts biog. master index, c1981 (Malneck, Matty; b. 1903 (1 source); b. 1904 (2 sources))
Sinatra, F. The summit [SR] p1999: container (Matty Malnick)
Oxford music online, October 29, 2015: New Grove dict. of jazz, 2nd ed. (Malneck, Matty [Matthew Michael]; born December 9, 1903, Newark, NJ, died February 25, 1981, Hollywood, CA; American violinist and songwriter; arranger) Enc. of popular music, 4th ed. (raised in Denver, Colorado; also a bandleader)