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Dymow, Ossip, 1878-1959

LC control 90004645
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPG3460.D9 Russian
PJ5129.D9 Yiddish
Personal name headingDymow, Ossip, 1878-1959
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Dymov, Ossip, 1878-1959
Dimov, Osip, 1878-1959
Dymov, Osip, 1878-1959
Dimov, O. (Osip), 1878-1959
Duimov, Osip, 1878-1959
דימאוו, אסיפ
דימאוו, אסיפ, 1878־1959
דימאוו, אסיפ, 1959־1878
דימאװ, אסיפ
דימאװ, א.
דימוב, א., 1959־1878
Дымов, Осип, 1878-1959
Perel'man, Osip Isidorovich, 1878-1959
Перел'ман, Осип Исидорович, 1878-1959
Birth date1878
Death date1959
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inSins of man [MP] 1936: credits (adaptation by Dr. Ossip Dymow)
LC in OCLC, 6-12-90 (hdg.; Dymow, Ossip, 1878-1959; usage: Osip Dymov)
Perf. arts biog. master index, c1981 (Dymov, Ossip; b. 1878 d. 1959)
OCLC, 6-12-90 (hdg.: Dymow, Ossip, 1878-1959; usages: Ossip Dymow, Osip Dimov, Osip Dymov, O. Dimov, O. Dymov, Osip Duimov)
Vspomnilosʹ, zakhotelosʹ rasskazatʹ-- , 2011: v. 1, t.p. (Осип Дымов = Osip Dymov) v. 1, added t.p. (Osip Dymov) v. 2, p. 4 of cover (Osip Isidorovich Dymov (Perelman; 1878-1959); Russian and subsequently American Yiddish writer; b. in Bialystok; studied at St. Petersburg Forestry Institute 1897-1904; at beginning of career, closely associated with Russian literature and Russian theater; in 1913, left Russia for New York; turned out to be a life-long emigration; in 2nd half of his life, switched to Yiddish, became writer and dramatist in US) v. 2, p. 565 (Dymov-Perelman)
OCLC, 15 Nov. 2011 (hdgs.: Dymow, Ossip, 1878-1959; Dymov, Osip (1878-1959); Dymov, Osip; Dymov, Osip (DE-101)126349428; Dymov, Osip Isidorovich; Dymov, Osip Schriftsteller, 1878-1925; Dymov, Ossip, 1878-1959; Dymov, Ossip, 1878- ; Perel'man, Osip Isidorovich, 1878- ; Perelman, Osip Isidorovich, 1878- )