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Babs, Alice

LC control 90008328
LC classificationML420.B1 Biography
Personal name headingBabs, Alice
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Sjöblom, Alice
Nilson, Alice
Nilson Sjöblom, Alice Babs
Found inHer Elizabethan love songs [SR] p1971: labels (Alice Babs; singer)
Sohlmans musiklexikon (Sjöblom, Alice; née Nilson; stage-name, Alice Babs; Swedish singer; b. 1-26-24)
LC data base, 4-13-90 (hdg.: Babs, Alice; usage: Alice Babs; Alice "Babs" Nilson Sjöblom)