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Albrecht V, Duke of Bavaria, 1528-1579

LC control 90008560
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAlbrecht V, Duke of Bavaria, 1528-1579
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Variant(s)Albert V, Duke of Bavaria, 1528-1579
Albrecht V, Herzog von Bayern, 1528-1579
Albrecht V, Pfandherr der Grafschaft von Glatz, 1528-1579
Albrecht, V, Magnanimus, 1528-1579
Albrecht, V, der Grossmütige, 1528-1579
Albertus, Superioris et Inferioris Bauariae dux, 1528-1579
Other standard no.0000000123311184
Birth date1528-02-29
Death date1579-10-24
Place of birthMunich (Germany)
Place of deathMunich (Germany)
Field of activityArt--Collectors and collecting
Found inVariorum carminum Viti Amerpachij, nonnullorum'que aliorum liber., 1550: title page (Ad illustriss. Principem Albertum, Bauariae Ducem, &c.) page [3] (Domino Alberto, Palatino Rheni, superioris & inferioris Bauariae Duci)
Briefe und Akten zur Geschichte des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts, 1873-1913: 5. Bd., t.p. (Albrechts V.)
MoSU-L/IL files (hdg.: Albrecht V, Duke of Bavaria, 1528-1579)
German Wikipedia, viewed Jan. 13th, 2025 (Albrecht V (der Grossmütige), born February 29, 1528 in Munich; died October 24, 1579 in Munich ; was Duke of Bavaria from March 7, 1550 to October 24, 1579. His reign was just as important for the spread of the Counter-Reformation in Germany as it was for the development of Renaissance art in the Duchy of Bavaria. The foundation of many Bavarian state collections can be traced back directly to Albrecht's passion for collecting.)
Die Genealogie der Wittelsbacher WWW site, April 25, 2022 (Albrecht V, Herzog, Magnanimus, der Grossmütige; Herzog von Bayern (1550-1579), Pfandherr der Grafschaft von Glatz (1560-1569))
Pantaleon, Heinricus. Prosopographiae heroum atque illustrium uirorum totius Germaniae pars prima, 1565: leaf ()2 recto (Illustrissimi principi et domino D. Alberto Superioris et Inferioris Bauariae duci ..)
Not found inEncyc. brit., 15th ed.; Encyc. Americana, 1986; Chambers