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Teschemacher, Edward, 1876-1940

LC control 90012377
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingTeschemacher, Edward, 1876-1940
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Teschemacher, Ed. (Edward), 1876-1940
Teschemacher, E. (Edward), 1876-1940
See alsoLockton, Edward
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Found inHardelot, G. Because, 1916: t.p. (Edward Teschemacher)
Martin, E. Songs of Syria, c1913: t.p. (Ed. Teschemacher)
Sanderson, W. Until, c1910: caption (E. Teschemacher)
OCLC data base, 1-16-90 (hdg.: Teschemacher, Edward, 1876-1940)
Not found inKilgarriff, M. Sing us one of the old songs, 1998: p. 479 (Lockton, Edward F., 1880-1940, a.k.a. Edward Teschemacher)