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Mallat, S. G. (Stéphane G.)

LC control 90027418
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMallat, S. G. (Stéphane G.)
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Variant(s)Mallat, Stéphane G.
Found inAuthor's A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition, 1987: t.p. (S.G. Mallat)
OCLC data base, 11-8-90 (hdg.: Mallat, S. G.; usage: Stephane G. Mallat; S. Mallat; Stephane Mallat)
A wavelet tour of signal processing, c1997: CIP t.p. (Stephane Mallat; Centre de mathematiques appliquees, Ecole polytechnique, France) bk. t.p. (Stéphane Mallat)