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Coke, Thomas, Earl of Leicester, 1697-1759

LC control 91011959
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCoke, Thomas, Earl of Leicester, 1697-1759
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Variant(s)Leicester, Thomas Coke, Earl of, -1759
Leicester, Earl of, 1697-1759
Leicester, Thomas Coke, Earl of, d. 1759
Lovel of Minster Lovel, Thomas Coke, Baron, 1697-1759
LocatedHolkham Hall (England)
Birth date1697-06-17
Death date1759-04-20
Profession or occupationNobility
Found inByron, C. To the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Leicester and Sir Everard Fawkener, bart. His Majesty's post-masters general, the case and petition of Christopher Byron ... 1762.
Burke's peerage, 1970 (cf. Leicester; Sir Thomas Coke, Earl of Leicester; created Viscount Coke and Earl of Leicester, May 9 1744; died April 20, 1759)
A catalogue of the manuscripts in the library at Holkham Hall, 2015: volume 1, part 1, page ix (Thomas Coke; Thomas Coke, first Earl of Leicester (1697-1759))
Oxford dictionary of national biography, viewed online on November 17, 2015 (Coke, Thomas, earl of Leicester (1697-1759), politician, architect, and art collector; builder of Holkham Hall; born 17 June 1697; died at Holkham Hall on 20 April 1759; was created Baron Lovel of Minster Lovel in May, 1728, and advanced to the earldom in May, 1744)