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Abylaĭ, 1711-1781

LC control 91016525
Personal name headingAbylaĭ, 1711-1781
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Variant(s)Ablaĭ, 1711-1781
Ăbīlmansūr, 1711-1781
Abylaĭ-khan, 1711-1781
Found inSuleĭmenov, R.B. Iz istorii Kazakhstana XVIII veka, 1988: t.p. (...Ablai︠a︡) p. 132 (d. Fall 1780)
Qazaq sov. ėnt︠s︡ik., 1972 (Abylaĭ; real name: Ăbīlmansūr; b. 1711; d. 1781)
Bolʹsh. sov. ėnt︠s︡ik., 1970 (Ablaĭ; yr. of birth unknown; d. 1781; Khan after 1771)
Istorii︠a︡ Abylaĭ-khana--gosudarstvennogo dei︠a︡teli︠a︡, polkovodt︠s︡a, diplomata, politika, 1998.
Invalid LCCNn 99048207