LC control no. | no 91021313 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
LC classification | ML420.S6896 Biography |
Personal name heading | Sonneveld, Wim |
Variant(s) | Sonneveld, Willem Benedictus Augustinus Sonneveld, Willem |
Other standard no. | 0000000104025967 |
Birth date | 1917-06-28 |
Death date | 1974-03-08 |
Place of birth | Utrecht (Netherlands) |
Place of death | Amsterdam (Netherlands) |
Profession or occupation | Comedians Singers Actors |
Found in | Een Avond met Wim Sonneveld, 1965. LC data base, 8/14/91 (hdg.: Sonneveld, Wim) Grote Winkler Prins, 1973 (Sonneveld, Wim, in full: Willem Benedictus Augustinus; cabaret artist; b. 6/28/17) Ibo, W. En nu de moraal--, 1982 p. 24 (sudden death of Wim Sonneveld in 1974) Dutch Wikipedia, viewed February 1, 2021 (Willem (Wim) Sonneveld ; born in Utrecht, 28 June 1917, died in Amsterdam, 8 March 1974 ; was a Dutch comedian, singer and actor) <> |