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Distler, Hugo, 1908-1942. Geistliche Chormusik. Totentanz

LC control 91027120
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDistler, Hugo, 1908-1942. Geistliche Chormusik. Totentanz
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Variant(s)Distler, Hugo, 1908-1942. Totentanz
Distler, Hugo, 1908-1942. Danse macabre
Distler, Hugo, 1908-1942. Dance of the dead
Found inBruckner, A. Motetten [SR] p1988: label (Totentanz = Danse macabre) insert (Dance of the dead)
MGG (Geistliche Chormusik, op. 12. Nr. 2, Totentanz)