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Jaray, Hans, 1906-1990

LC control 91028719
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingJaray, Hans, 1906-1990
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Variant(s)Yaray, Hans, 1906-1990
Birth date1906-06-24
Death date1990-01-06
Place of birthVienna (Austria)
Place of deathVienna (Austria)
Field of activityActing Motion picture authorship Singing
Profession or occupationActors Screenwriters Singers
Found inSchoenberg, A. A survivor from Warsaw [SR] 195-: label (Hans Jaray; narrator)
Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon, 3. Aufl. (Hans Jaray; b. June 24, 1906 in Vienna, Austria; emigrated to New York in 1938; returned to Austria in 1948; author, playwright, actor)
IMDb, Oct. 16, 2012 (Hans Jaray; b. June 24, 1906; d. Jan. 6, 1990 in Vienna, Austria; film and stage actor, writer, singer)
Carnegie Hall [VR] 2001: cast credits (Hans Yaray)