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Bittner, A. (Alexander), 1850-1902

LC control 92004720
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBittner, A. (Alexander), 1850-1902
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Variant(s)Bittner, Alexander, 1850-1902
Place of birthFriedland (Austria)
Place of deathVienna (Austria)
Profession or occupationGeologists Paleontologists
Found inHis Geologische Studien in den Küstenländern des griechischen Archipels, 1880: t.p. (A. Bittner)
NUC Pre-1956 (hdg.: Bittner, Alexander, 1850-1902; usage: A. Bittner)
29 Giugno 1873, 2019: front cover flap (Alexander Bittner: Austrian geologist and author of "Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Erdbens von Belluno vom Juni 1873"--on the earthquake of 1873 in Belluno Province, Italy)
Wikipedia, viewed Oct. 8, 2020: Alexander Bittner (16 March 1850 in Friedland--31 March 1902 in Vienna) was an Austrian paleontologist and geologist)