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Poplin, Jack, 1920-2007

LC control 92010107
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPoplin, Jack, 1920-2007
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Poplin, John S., Jr., 1920-1007
Birth date1920
Death date20071015
Place of deathLos Angeles (Calif.)
Profession or occupationMotion picture art directors
Motion picture producer
Found inClass [MP] title frame (Jack Poplin)
God's little acre [MP] 1958: credits (production design, John S. Poplin, Jr.)
Internet movie database, August 22, 2014 (Jack Poplin; born, 1920 in Los Angeles, California, USA; died, October 15, 2007 (age 87); birth name, John S. Poplin Jr.; also credited as John S. Popin Jr., John S. Poplin; Art director, Production designer, Producer)
Associated languageeng