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Xenophon. Oeconomicus

LC control 92015458
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingXenophon. Oeconomicus
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Xenophon. Xenophōntos rhētoros Oikonomikos logos A
Xenophon. Oikonomikos logos A
Xenophon. Economico
Xenophon. Xenophōntos Oikonomikos
Xenophon. Οἰκονομικός
Form of workDialogues
Beginning date-0389
Ending date-0370
Special noteNon-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inOxford class. dict., 1970: under Xenophon (Oeconomicus, Oikonomikos [in Greek])
LC data base, 6-15-92 (hdg.: Xenophon. Oeconomicus)
His Xenophōntos rhētoros Oikonomikos log[os] A, 1554: t.p. (Xenophōntos rhētoros Oikonomikos log[os] A)
Una moglie come si deve, 2001: t.p. (Economico di Senofonte)
Xenophōntos Oikonomikos = The Oeconomicus of Xenophon, 1895.
Économique, 1949: page 32 (Οἰκονομικός) page 6 (written some time between 390 and 371 BC)