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Flowers, A. D

LC control 92017698
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFlowers, A. D.
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated placeSayre (Okla.)
LocatedCamarillo (Calif.)
Birth date1917-02-22
Death date2001-07-05
Place of birthTexas
Field of activityCinematography--Special effects
Found inApocalypse now, 1979: credits (special effects coordinator, A.D. Flowers)
Tora! Tora! Tora!, 1970: credits (mechanical effects, A.D. Flowers)
IMDb, viewed February 1, 2024: A.D. Flowers's landing page (born February 22, 1917; died July 5, 2001; special effects; born in Texas and raised in Sayre, Oklahoma; retired in 1979 to Camarillo, California)