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Burton, Ron

LC control 93001408
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBurton, Ron
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Burton, Rahn
Burton, William, 1934-
Birth date19340210
Profession or occupationJazz musicians Pianists
Found inKirk, R.R. The inflated tear [SR] 1968: labels (Ron Burton, piano)
Beautiful Africa, p1979: container (Rahn Burton)
Feather, L.G. Bio. enc. of jazz, 1999 (Burton, Rahn (William Ron) (aka Jabulani); b. Feb. 10, 1934, Louisville, KY; piano, organ, composer)
New Grove dict. of jazz (Burton, Rahn (Ron; Burton, William; Jabulani); b. Feb. 10, 1934, Louisville, KY; pianist)
All Music Guide on WWW, Jan. 19, 2001 (Rahn Burton; aka Ron Burton; b. Feb. 10, 1934, Louisville, KY; pianist; separate listing at Ron Burton)
U.S. copyright file, Jan. 19, 2001 (Burton, Ron; Burton, William Ron; Burton, William R., 1934- ; no entry under Burton, Rahn)
Invalid LCCNn 95067635