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Grīns, Aleksandrs

LC control 93005462
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPG9048.G73
Personal name headingGrīns, Aleksandrs
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Birth date1895
Death date1941
Profession or occupationAuthors, Latvian
Found inDvēselu putenis, 1947: t.p. (Aleksandrs Grīns)
LC database, 2-24-93 (hdg.: Grīns, Aleksandrs)
OCLC database, 2-24-93 (hdg.: Grīns, Aleksandrs, 1895-)
Dail̦darbi un raksti, c1994- : v. 1, p. facing t.p. (Aleksandrs Grīns, 1895-1941)
Associated languagelav